Saturday, September 14, 2013

Week One

We are a week down already. Health wise both good touch wood. Have learned to cope with the hard beds but would give anything for a steak & salad. Last night we experienced a cultural evening dine first then the show. Dining consisted of a variety of Dumplings stuffed with a variety of fillings from cabbage to chicken after 3 I was done not something I would have again. The heat has been exhausting and yesterday no exception. The Terracotta warriors to date have been the highlight for me it is just amazing the work they are actually doing putting the pieces all back together. Katrina Charlie would have loved this so I have bought him a T- Shirt he will look cool. Haven't actually bought much Russell did buy 2  T-Warriors we are quite restricted with luggage. Today we fly out to Wuhuan then a five hour bus ride to catch the boat. I am looking forward to having a little R & R as to date it has been full on. Laur

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