Thursday, October 3, 2013

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Langham Place - Club Level all day free bar & grazing.

Makes it very hard to force yourself to go out in the heat and crowds to explore Hong Kong, a lovely little Oasis on the 36th floor. 

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Tour Finished

Well very sadly the tour finished yesterday and we flew to Hong Kong to meet Adam who arrived a couple of hours before us and Jess & Matt who arrived a couple of hours after. Staying on the 35 floor of the Langham Place which has magnificent views over HK (will post a night & day picture later). The holiday starts now as touring is bloody hard work at times and while you see a fantastic amount it could not be called relaxing. Adam had a great time in Vietnam, couldn't get over how cheap it was and how much he liked the people, food and culture. 
Our tour group of 20 Aussies & Kiwis was also excellent, no one over the whole tour was ever late or went missing and I never heard a cross word spoken between anyone. I couldn't get over how well travelled the group was and I doubt you could mention one place in the world that some member hadn't been to. The average age would have been over 65 but all where fit and energetic and some were a real barrel of laughs. 7 couples ' 2 sets of sisters (all widows) and two female single supplements in group. 

Thursday, September 26, 2013


Big day in Shanghai today, Shanghai Museum first then visit to the Bund, after lunch we went up 88 floors in the Jin Mao Tower to the observation deck, then a ride on the Maglev (magnetic levatation ) train to the Airport and back. After that it was off to the French Concession for a drink before dinner finished with a night cruise on the river. Pictures in sections.
